In Coast You Missed It 7/1/22

By Tim Binnall

The 75th anniversary of Roswell and the first 'flying saucer' sighting, Irish legends and lore, and demonic entities were among the fascinating topics discussed this past week on Coast to Coast AM. And, here at the C2C website, we told you about a mysterious 'alien' filmed in a Texas driveway, a village in Scotland overrun by aggressive deer, and a massive animal smuggling bust at an airport in Bangkok. Check out our round-up of highlights from the past week ... In Coast You Missed It.

Irish ghost stories and legends took center stage on Monday night's program as, from his home in a haunted castle, author Tom Reilly detailed the lore of the Emerald Isle. He recounted how there have been multiple sightings of an apparition, dubbed the 'white lady,' at this residence and it is believed that she is the spirit of a woman who visited the site in 1852 and perished in the Irish Sea. Another location discussed by Reilly was an infamous building known as the Hellfire Club, which was built atop a summit in Dublin and, some say, was the site of satanic rituals and cannibalism. During his appearance, Reilly also talked about banshees and shared his research into the 17th-century English general Oliver Cromwell.

On the heels of the Amarillo dog man that made headlines last month, this past week saw yet another mysterious bipedal being captured on film in Texas. The peculiar piece of security camera footage from the El Paso suburb of La Union shows a diminutive figure scurrying across a driveway before vanishing from sight. The bewildering entity seen in the video gave rise to all manner of theories as to its nature with some suggesting it could be an alien or perhaps the aforementioned canine cryptid of Amarillo, while others argued that it was simply a nefarious individual who was checking to see if the truck in the driveway was unlocked.

This year, the end of June and the start of July feature major UFO milestones by way of the 75th anniversary of both the legendary Kenneth Arnold sighting and the mysterious Roswell incident. The iconic events were revisited on Sunday night's program as researcher Graeme Rendall reflected on how Arnold's sighting gave birth to the term 'flying saucer.' Later in the program, author Richard Dolan discussed the Roswell case, noting that it and the Arnold sighting were part of a significant wave of UFO events in 1947 which served as something of a catalyst for the modern UFO era.

For some strange reason deer popped up in the headlines this past week by way of two odd stories centered around the woodland creatures. First, in Canada, a throat singer filming a demonstration of his technique in some woods wound up inadvertently filming a pair of mysterious figures, thought by some to be Bigfoot, seemingly stalking a deer that was mesmerized by his performance. Meanwhile, residents of a village in Scotland were divided over what to do about a herd of deer that had taken up residence in their community and have begun to grow increasingly aggressive when encountering their human neighbors, including a troubling incident wherein one of the normally docile creatures actually bit a person's dog!

Few things in the paranormal world are as fearsome as a possible infestation of demonic entities. On Thursday night's program, researcher Keith Johnson talked about his working helping people eradicate their residences of these sinister spirits. He explained that demons often gain a foothold in a household by eliciting sympathy from the hosts and then, over time, grow hostile. He recounted one particular case that he investigated in the 1980s wherein a young boy was possessed and would spiral like a top, but have no memory of the bizarre behavior. Johnson also described his process for cleansing a home and ridding it of any demonic infestation.

There were even more unsettling stories centered around animals this past week, beginning with a worrisome case in England wherein a man witnessed three geese being pulled underwater by a mysterious creature that presumably feasted on the unfortunate fowl. Later in the week, security officers at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok busted a pair of travelers who were trying to leave the country with a staggering 109 wild animals, including armadillos and hedgehogs, stuffed in their luggage. Finally, in Georgia, authorities discovered a chilling 23 bags of dead and decapitated creatures that had been dumped near an apartment complex, prompting some to wonder if there is a budding serial killer lurking in the area.

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