Mass Hysteria Grips High School

Classes at a high school in the Philippines were cancelled last week after a whopping 30 girls claimed to have been possessed by some kind of evil spirit. The bizarre incident took place in the city of Cebu and began when one student reportedly spotted a "faceless man with half of his body missing" suddenly appear in her classroom. Word of the weird encounter soon spread throughout the school and more than two dozen students also claimed to have seen this mysterious figure.

Over the course of two hours, the afflicted kids showed strange symptoms like convulsions and difficulty breathing. Some were administered medical aid, while others were said to have become "wild" when a priest was enlisted to attend to them. As one can imagine, this unsettling scenes caused even the unaffected students to become distraught, no doubt fearing that they would be next to fall victim to whatever had possessed their classmates.

Eventually, school officials were forced to cancel classes for the day because the hysteria became too much for them to handle. They plan on having the building as well as individual classrooms blessed by a priest in the hopes that such an intervention can either drive off the evil spirits or, at least, assuage the concerns of the students. The seemingly strange mass possession is actually not altogether surprising as a remarkably similar case featuring a dozen hysterical students also took place earlier this year in the Philippines.