Paranormal Investigator Arrested for Shooting Gun at 'Ghost'

By Tim Binnall

A paranormal investigator in Connecticut has found himself in hot water with authorities following a bizarre incident in which he shot a gun at what he suspects may have been a ghost. According to a local media report, the weird event occurred in late July when Christian Devaux called 911 in the town of Tolland to report a masked, rifle-wielding intruder in his home. In the midst of the call, the ghost hunter was apparently so frightened by the would-be burglar that he fired off two gunshots at the figure.

However, when officers arrived, they were baffled to find that there were no signs of any break-in at the home nor any indication of something amiss when a police dog was enlisted to look for strange scents. When investigators noted inconsistencies with the ballistic evidence as compared to Devaux's account of what took place, he mused to them that "there are some things he just can't explain, like seeing ghosts." The ghost hunter went on to explain his work as a paranormal investigator and that he'd recently encountered a spirit during an expedition.

In light of that experience, Devaux conceded that, although he was concerned that people may question his sanity, he could not rule out that the 'burglar' had actually been some kind of paranormal entity. Citing the lack of evidence for an actual break-in, officers asked him if the intruder could have actually been a ghost, Devaux reportedly responded, "it had to be." Alas, it would seem that the police in Tolland ultimately found his paranormal explanation to be untenable and subsequently arrested the ghost hunter this weekend for several charges related to the incident including illegally discharging a weapon and improperly using the emergency contact system.