Psychic Suspects Stretch of Highway in England is Haunted

By Tim Binnall

A psychic in England has suggested a spooky reason for why a small stretch of highway in the country has seen an inordinate number of accidents over the years: because it is haunted! Speaking to a local newspaper which covers the area containing the road in question, Mike Brooker mused that this particular portion of the lengthy M6 motorway seems to be almost cursed when one considers how many crashes have occurred there.

"Statistically, this is without doubt one of the worst ‘accident black-spots’ on any motorway network in the UK," he argued. This high number of incidents is made all the more mystifying by the fact that there doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary when it comes to the nature of the "fairly straight stretch of road." It would seem that Brooker is not the only one who has noticed this strange trend as officials in England are currently upgrading that portion of the highway with various additions, such as new signage and cameras, in the hopes of reducing accidents.

Unfortunately, Brooker believes that the work will be for naught as, in his opinion, there is a far more fantastic reason for the accidents beyond merely poor driving. "There is something supernatural that has attached itself to this particular stretch of motorway," he declared. The two theories for the source of this proverbial curse are either that it was built on a Roman burial ground or it was the site of a bloody battle two centuries ago. The psychic says that the weirdness of the road has piqued his interested enough that he is planning to launch an investigation into the phenomenon in the hopes of possibly uncovering some answers.

While some may scoff at Booker's idea, it's not the first time that we've head such a theory about a haunted stretch of highway. In fact, earlier this month on Coast to Coast AM, author Mark Muncy detailed a similar phenomenon in Florida known as the 'I-4 Dead Zone' which runs a mere quarter mile long, yet boasts "more accidents than the rest of the Interstate combined." And, like the patch of the M6 which has so puzzled Brooker, it is thought that the strangeness may be due to the fact that a family who lived on the land where the highway exists now were buried there before the road was constructed. Coast Insiders can learn more about this creepy tale' by checking out Muncy's 9/10/2018 appearance on the program. Not a Coast Insider yet? Sign up today.