Survey Finds 1 Out of 3 Americans Believes Aliens May Already be Here on Earth

By Tim Binnall

A new survey exploring Americans' belief in aliens found that one out of three participants suspect that otherworldly visitors may already be here on Earth. Conducted by Talker Research at the behest of the website Wealth of Geeks, the somewhat peculiar poll collected opinions from 1,000 US residents regarding extraterrestrials. Asked if they thought aliens might be living among us today, a staggering 37% answered in the affirmative, while 41 percent were skeptical about such a scenario, and 22% indicated that they were unsure.

Should ETs be here hiding in plain sight, 39% amusingly said that their boss just might be an alien and 33% suggested one of a variety of celebrities. Among the other findings from the survey was that a relatively healthy 42% of participants endorsed current world leaders to speak on our behalf should visitors from space make themselves known to us. Meanwhile, 42 percent of the people expressed confidence that they, themselves, could broker peace with ETs, which is a not altogether surprising amount of bravado considering this was a survey of Americans.

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