Thai Woman Claims Ghost Compelled Her to Jump from Bridge into Canal

By Tim Binnall

A woman in Thailand nearly perished after she jumped from a bridge into a canal and, upon being rescued, claimed that a ghost had actually compelled her to make the perilous leap. The bizarre incident reportedly occurred in the city of Bangkok on Tuesday morning when several astounded bystanders spotted the unnamed resident flailing around in the waters of the Sanam Chai Canal. Fortunately, they managed to pull the woman to safety and, when her family later asked how she wound up in such a predicament, she offered a truly unsettling explanation for what had unfolded earlier in the day.

According to the woman, while riding her bike near a bridge which crosses the canal, she noticed a man who was dressed all in white and beckoning her to come over to him. However, when she got close to the mysterious stranger, she suddenly began to feel faint and heard him say "I want you to die. I want you to die." Her memory of the eerie event ends there as she subsequently woke up in the hospital with no idea why she was in the facility. The woman insisted that she had no desire to take her own life by jumping from the bridge and theorized that the unnerving man was a spirit who had compelled her to do so.

Amazingly, the presence of the suspected ghost was seemingly confirmed by another individual who happened to be near the scene a few hours before the woman jumped from the bridge. Having heard her chilling story, Onuma Tapianthong revealed that she and her mother were driving past the same spot earlier that day when she noticed a peculiar stranger dressed in the same manner described by the woman. When they turned around to get a better look at the curious man, he was nowhere to be found, leading the secondary witness to also conclude that the stranger was some kind of sinister spirit possibly connected to previous tragic incidents that have occurred at the bridge.