Tiny Cow Passes, Gets Posthumous Honor

By Tim Binnall

The tale of a dwarf cow that became a sensation in Bangladesh has come to a sad conclusion, albeit with a postscript worthy of a Hollywood film. Dubbed 'Rani,' the twenty-inch tall creature made headlines back in July after pictures of the pint-sized heifer were posted to social media. Suddenly something of a celebrity in his home country, the two-year-old dwarf cow drew thousands of onlookers hoping to catch a glimpse or possibly even hold the diminutive creature.

The crush of attention was so great, in fact, that Rani's owner was forced to hire security guards to keep watch over his little star. Alas, Rani's fifteen minutes of fame ended in mid-August when the tiny creature unexpectedly succumbed to a build-up of internal gas. However, the remarkable animal's story was not quite over yet as, this past Monday, his still-mourning owners reportedly received an email from Guinness informing them that the heifer was now officially recognized as the record-holder for the title of world's smallest cow.

Reflecting on the recent turn of events, the animal's owner, Kazi Mohammad Abu Sufian, mused that "we have mixed feelings after Rani got the recognition. We are happy that she got her due honors, but we are at the same very sad because she is no more with us. Her carer burst out crying as soon as we told him the news." While the tiny heifer may be gone, it is heartening to know that Rani's legacy will live on in the record books and in the hearts of all those who were delighted by the adorable dwarf cow.