Video: Bigfoot Howls Recorded in Ohio?

By Tim Binnall

An Ohio woman recorded an eerie series of howls from some kind of creature lurking around her property and she believes that the source of the sounds was Sasquatch. According to a local media report, Suzanne Ferencak captured the intriguing audio (which can be heard below) in the early morning hours of July 3rd in the community of Loudonville. While tending to a campfire in her backyard, she suddenly heard a rather peculiar howl burst forth from the forest near her home. For Ferencak, the moment was rather fortuitous as she has long suspected that there is a Bigfoot living in the remote Ohio location she calls home and, as such, she quickly began recording in the hopes of having captured proof of the creature's presence at last.

Remarkably, Ferencak's interest in the famed cryptid began nine years ago when she spotted what she believes was a Bigfoot bounding across a road. Strange activity like wood knocks and odd sightings around her property soon followed and she eventually concluded that the creature must be living in the general area. Although the inexplicable events around her home eventually came to a sudden stop, Ferencak continued keeping watch for general weirdness and began recording sounds from the woods around her property. Amazingly, she has amassed a staggering 20,000 hours of audio over nearly a decade, but "in all that time, I had not recorded anything decent" until the morning of July 3rd.

Of the opinion that the creature howling in the recording is, indeed, the famed cryptid thought to be in the area, she subsequently sent the audio to an unnamed expert who works with Bigfoot researchers and that individual reached the same determination, positing that perhaps the sounds were actually two Sasquatch communicating with each other. To that end, Ferencak theorized that she may have captured "a female calling out for her young." However, not everyone is convinced that the noises emanated from Bigfoot as an Ohio naturalist told USA Today that the sound was likely "the call of an alpha male coyote." With that in mind, what's your take on the curious recording? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.