Video: Bigfoot Prints Found in Wales?

By Tim Binnall

Some rather sizeable prints as well as a curious stick structure were recently found in a Welsh forest and some believe the odd finds could be connected to Sasquatch. The intriguing discovery was reportedly made by a crew of filmmakers and Bigfoot researchers exploring a wooded area of Caerphilly Mountain. The possible Sasquatch prints measure a whopping sixteen inches in length and sport what seem to be clear toe indentations. Whether or not they came from a Bigfoot is a matter of conjecture as Canadian researcher Jason Kenzie observed that the rather flat and uniform-looking prints do not contain a feature known as a mid-tarsal break, which is an anatomical attribute often ascribed to Sasquatch.

To that end, he mused that "unfortunately this evidence is inconclusive because nobody saw what made the footprints, but based on the size alone, it does look closer to an unknown creature than a typical human." Meanwhile, since the the peculiar stick structure was found in the vicinity of the puzzling prints, it has been suggested that as a possible shelter constructed by whatever creature made the monstrous impressions. What do you make of the two weird discoveries in the woods of Wales? Could Sasquatch be lurking in such a small area or did the two discoveries come from something far more prosaic? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.