Video: Game Camera Photographs 'Skunk Ape' in Florida?

By Tim Binnall

A peculiar game camera photo circulating online shows what appears to be a diminutive simian that some suspect could be Florida's version of Bigfoot. The circumstances surrounding the image are scant, at best, though it was reportedly captured at a hunter's feed plot somewhere in the state and was given to a Skunk Ape researcher. As often happens with fantastic photos possibly showing Bigfoot, the game camera picture wound up being shared across all manner of Sasquatch-related social media groups with many observers offering their interpretation of the image.

Among the suggestions for what the animal might be are a chimp, a bonobo, or perhaps a bear. Since the photo was purportedly taken in Florida, some have surmised that the simian is the famed Skunk Ape, which is a Bigfoot-like cryptid said to reside in the Sunshine State. Intriguingly, many individuals have suggested that the picture actually shows some kind of adult ape-like creature cradling its baby, though this may be merely a trick of light and shadow. What do you make of the weird photo? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.