Video: Indian Traffic Camera Photographs Ghostly Figure in Backseat of Car

By Tim Binnall

Upon receiving notice that a traffic camera had caught them driving without their seat belts on, a family in India was astounded when they saw that the photo included with the citation features what appears to be a ghostly figure lingering behind the driver. The spooky snapshot was reportedly captured last month as the motorist, identified as Adithyan, was cruising through a community in the state of Kerala with his wife in the passenger seat and their kids in the back of the vehicle. Somewhere along the way, they passed a newly installed 'smart' camera which is designed to detect drivers who are not wearing their seat belts or motorcyclists without helmets.

As Adithyan and his wife had neglected to buckle up that evening, the AI-powered device busted the duo and promptly snapped a photo of the traffic offense as proof. While the motorist conceded that the couple had, indeed, failed to wear their seat belts and dutifully paid the fine, he left the state's Department of Motor Vehicles scratching their heads when he indicated that there was no explanation for the third individual, who appears to be an older woman, in the picture. Suggesting that perhaps the interloper was a reflection or one of the children made to look mysterious by way of light and shadow, officials have pledged to investigate the situation as the photo has gone viral on Indian social media with many arguing that the visage is that of a ghost.

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