Video: Michigan Man's Sasquatch Experience Spawns Bigfoot Business

By Tim Binnall

A Michigan man's memorable experience nearly encountering Sasquatch as a teen led to him inadvertently developing a business in which he creates life-size Bigfoot displays. According to a local media report, a 15-year-old Chris Ketchum was on his way over to his neighbor's house back in 1968 when he spotted a curious set of tracks crossing the road. Upon closer inspection, he saw that they were human-like footprints measuring approximately 15 inches in length and suggesting that "whatever it was had a stride of 8 or 9 feet."

Having previously heard stories of Sasquatch sightings in the area, Ketchum concluded that he had stumbled upon some Bigfoot tracks. That unforgettable day remained on his mind over the next fifty years until he came up with a clever way of commemorating the moment by way of a huge wooden cutout in the shape of the famed cryptid. After creating his first Sasquatch silhouette earlier this year, Ketchum noticed that people driving past his house began slowing down when they saw the strange display.

Shortly thereafter, people began contacting Ketchum with requests for their own cutout and a surprising Bigfoot business was born. "I just started churning them out," he said, explaining that he spends several hours a day making the displays to the point that "I'm always having to go buy more wood." For those wondering what Ketchum's cutouts cost, he charges $100 for each piece and provides a $25 discount to retired senior citizens.