Video: Michigan Restaurant Enlists 'Ghosts' to Help with Social Distancing

By Tim Binnall

A recently reopened Italian restaurant in Michigan has come up with a clever way of adhering to social distancing guidelines by enlisting 'ghosts' to fill in tables between customers. According to a local media report, the paranormal clientele can be found at Trattoria Da Luigi in the city of Royal Oak. Rather than simply remove tables that could not be used due to capacity issues, the restaurant opted to occupy the spots with comical 'spirits.

Owner Luigi Cutraro credits his wife for not only coming up with the idea, but also creating the 'spooky' customers. "My wife worked for three days making the ghosts," he explained, "and you will be dining with the ghosts." To that end, Cutraro even went so far as to provides individual names for the 'apparitions,' including Giovanni, Francesco, and Maria. "They always agree with me," he joked, "this is the way a conversation should go: I'm always right."