Video: Strange Sasquatch Flier Has Vermont Town Buzzing

By Tim Binnall

A small town in Vermont finds itself in the national spotlight thanks to a strange flier which declared that the prolonged closure of a local bridge was not due to Sasquatch. The weird notice reportedly appeared affixed to a post office bulletin board in the community of Bradford last week. Consisting of a simple plain text on a piece of paper, the flier likely went unnoticed at first until one resident realized that it featured a rather odd message.

The flier states that "we would like to put to rest any and all rumors" regarding a bridge in the town which has been closed for the last year. The anonymous author goes on to assure residents that the site's lengthy inaccessibility is "due primarily to deck replacement and NOT because of a displacement of or intrusion on a 'Sasquatch' or Bigfoot, either a single creature or several." The notice goes on to declare that "this is absolutely untrue and frankly, quite ludicrous" while grousing that "these rumors born of agitated imaginations are to be ignored and disregarded."

Presumably a clever prank, the strange flier quickly went viral after a picture of it was posted online, leading to Bradford's bridge problem and its possible connection to Bigfoot becoming national news. Seemingly overnight, residents were being asked by reporters to weigh in on Sasquatch, of all things, and municipal offices were flooded with phone calls by various media outlets inquiring about the bizarre cryptozoological buzz in the community. Since the funny flier first made news, a number of additional copies of the notice have appeared throughout the town.

Speculation in the community surrounding the identity of the person who created the flier has been feverish, but, so far, it has remained a mystery. Be that as it may, one assumes that whoever was behind the message must be pretty happy with how it turned out, since now everyone in the town is talking about the bridge and whether or not it was really closed due to Bigfoot.