Video: Ukrainian Priest Blesses Streets with Holy Water to Ward Off Coronavirus

By Tim Binnall

An odd video from Ukraine shows a priest dousing the roads of a city with holy water in order to fend off the coronavirus. The eerie scene reportedly unfolded in the community of Svaliava Raion last week a few days after the country imposed a nation-wide lockdown in response to the pandemic. As with many locations around the world currently under similar restrictions, the city became a veritable ghost town overnight, adding an unnerving element to the footage.

In the video, a flatbed truck can be seen driving down a desolate street with a pair of priests in the back of the vehicle. One of the holy men vigorously rings a bell, while his companion reaches into a bucket of holy water and disperses it onto the road with a flourish. As of this writing, Ukraine currently has 97 confirmed coronavirus cases and three deaths due to the pandemic with those numbers expected to steadily rise as they have in countries across the globe.