Watch: Boy Vanishes During Carnival Ride?

By Tim Binnall

A mother in Malaysia was mystified when she filmed her son on a carnival attraction and noticed that the boy who had been sitting beside him had somehow inexplicably vanished in the middle of the ride. The very weird video was reportedly captured by Nur Afrina Rosni, who explained that the incident occurred earlier this month during a family trip to a fairground in the city of Johor. During the excursion, her son Muiz wanted to go on an attraction that featured 'flying cars' spinning in a circle and, since the adults were deemed too big for the attraction, the boy was seated next to another youngster, but things soon took an eerie turn when the ride got underway.

In Rosni's video from the fairground, Muiz and his mysterious companion can be seen zipping past the camera in one of the ride's yellow carts. However, when the faux automobile comes back around a second time, only her son is visible and the other youngster has seemingly vanished into thin air. "When the ride finished," the bewildered mother recalled, "my son came down, but the boy next to him did not appear anywhere." Strangely, when she asked Muiz where his curious companion had gone during the ride, the boy did not remember anyone sitting next to him and he was equally perturbed when he saw the video. "It was scary, but my son is okay," Rosni said while musing that she is still perplexed by the odd disappearing act.

When she shared the video on social media, the footage quickly went viral with viewers offering various suggestions for what could have occurred. As one might imagine, some observers have suggested that Muiz was actually riding alongside a ghost, while more skeptical individuals theorized that the 'mystery boy' had simply ducked down at the moment the cart came around in front of Rosni, but she dismissed this explanation since the youngster's white shirt should have been visible if that were the case. Others have argued that the scene is a clever hoax using two pieces of footage spliced together, though she insists that is not the case and that the video is genuine. What do you make of this peculiar case? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.

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