Watch: Face of Goblin Doll Filmed Moving?

By Tim Binnall

In a bizarre story out of Bolivia, paranormal investigators have been enlisted to examine a goblin doll that was filmed seemingly moving its face. The very weird incident reportedly occurred earlier this month in the city of Le Paz at a home where the clay figurine serves as the centerpiece of what appears to be some kind of shrine. The homeowner is said to have been filming the goblin doll when its face suddenly contorted into what some have described as a grimace or perhaps a smile.

Footage of the eerie moment (seen above) understandably caught the attention of Bolivian paranormal investigators, who descended upon the house to investigate the peculiar case. Using dowsing rods, researcher Javier Cordero purportedly picked up what is described as "real energies" inside the residence. Meanwhile, his colleague Tatiana Vicuna observed the goblin doll with a night vision camera and appeared to capture an anomaly that resembled a face lingering behind the figurine.

Remarkably, the creator of the doll at the center of the curious case claims that the incident is not the first time that something supernatural has come about by way of his dolls. He went on to assert that, before being sold, they are brought to an enchanted forest where elemental beings are provided the opportunity to inhabit the figurines and serve as protector for the homeowner who eventually buys them. What do you make of this truly weird account from Bolivia? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.