Watch: Multiple Witnesses Film Peculiar UFOs Flying Erratically Over Wisconsin

By Tim Binnall

Several different individuals in Wisconsin captured footage of a puzzling cluster of lights that darted through the night sky in a rather bizarre fashion. The intriguing incident reportedly occurred earlier this month when multiple people living north of Milwaukee noticed the weird UFOs overhead. One witness, who has been identified only as Kimberly, recalled seeing what she initially thought was a white owl swooping over her car as she and her husband were driving on a rural road. The mysterious object then performed the same maneuver three more times, which led them to muse "what the heck is going on here?"

They subsequently spotted a curious cluster of lights (seen in the third clip above) that seemingly emerged out of thin air, scattered across the sky, and then appeared to hover in formation over the ground. "We just couldn't wrap our heads around what we were seeing," Kimberly marveled, "there was no sound to it. It was a pretty clear and normal Wisconsin night without any crazy weather." Amazingly, the couple were not the only people taken aback by the bizarre objects as other witnesses in nearby towns also filmed the mysterious lights, though from altogether different angles, including one instance in which they appear to accelerate through the sky at an incredible speed.

As for what the objects could have been, setting aside the possibility that they were alien in nature, some observers have suggested that perhaps they were lights being cast into the sky from the ground below, which might account for very strange manner in which they moved. That said, Kimberly expressed skepticism about that explanation, indicating that she has seen spotlights in the past and "that just has a much different look than what we were seeing." With that in mind, what do you think was seen by so many witnesses in Wisconsin earlier this month? Share your best guess with us at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.

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