Watch: Pilot Films Eerie Cluster of Lights Over South China Sea

By Tim Binnall

A peculiar piece of footage purportedly filmed by a pilot flying over the South China Sea shows an eerie set of lights that left him baffled, but the odd sight appears to have a terrestrial explanation. The strange scene was reportedly captured by an unnamed witness who submitted the video to the Mutual UFO Network over the weekend. The individual explained that the sighting occurred on November 24th as he was flying over the South China Sea at an altitude of 39,000 feet. In the video, twelve lights in three groups of four can be seen hovering in formation as the pilot marvels that "I don't know what that is" as someone alongside him, presumably his co-pilot, colorfully echoes his amazement.

The rather sensational video understandably caught the attention of UFO enthusiasts, who wondered what kind of weirdness the pilot had wound up filming. Beyond an armada of alien craft, more prosaic possibilities put forward by skeptical viewers included drones or perhaps military flares. And it would seem that the latter explanation could very well account for the curious sighting. Skeptical investigator Mick West put together a compelling video (seen below), wherein he breaks down the footage and details why he believes that military flares account for the puzzling balls of light. With that in mind, what's your take on the pilot's sighting? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.