Watch: Security Camera Captures Ghostly Activity Frightening Office Worker

By Tim Binnall

A security camera overlooking an office in Colombia captured the moment when a frightened man fled the room after objects seemingly began to move on their own. The eerie incident reportedly occurred last week as David Pineda was working alone late into the night at his job in the city of Medellin. Whatever sense of solitude he may have been feeling at the time was undoubtedly shattered when a coffee mug that was sitting on his desk suddenly fell to the floor. While cleaning up the mess from the inexplicable spill, Pineda stopped in his tracks when a nearby chair began to move on its own.

Sharing the security footage on social media, the young man pointed out the possible paranormal activity and marveled that "I tried to find a logical explanation, but after watching the video I got the chills again." Lamenting that "I don't want to work alone so late anymore," Pineda went on to explain that the building is "almost a century old, and has many stories, but I didn't want to know them like this." Looking back on the experience, he indicated that his first thought was that the mug had simply fallen because he had put it "very close to the edge of the table" and it was only when "they moved my chair" that he realized that something was amiss.

Insisting that he does not believe in ghosts, the young man was hard pressed to explain what had occurred in his office and conceded that it left him "really scared." As one might imagine, not everyone believes that the footage shows genuine ghostly activity as some skeptical viewers have suggested that either Pineda was being pranked by a co-worker or that the scene was simply a clever hoax. For his part, the young man expressed consternation that his video wound up making national news in his country, musing that "Colombia's journalistic priorities are scaring me more" that the possible spirits in his office. What do you make of the footage? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.