Watch: Security Camera Films Ghost Dog?

By Tim Binnall

An eerie piece of security footage from Australia shows what appears to be a pair of dogs playing in a backyard and the homeowner believes that one of the canines was a ghost. The spooky scene reportedly occurred outside Jake DeMarco's residence in the city of Melbourne. While smoking a cigarette in his garage, he checked out his home security system and noticed that his dog Ryder was "running around like he was playing with something or someone which isn't normal behavior for him, especially at that time of the night." When DeMarco looked closer, he saw that the pooch was seemingly playing with another animal, which stunned him.

"I was confused and in shock when I saw the footage," the dog's owner says, "because I knew Ryder was alone, but had a playmate for a minute that then disappeared into the darkness." What made the incident particularly puzzling to DeMarco is that his backyard is surrounded by an eight-foot-tall fence that was locked at the time. As such, he was sure that another dog had not somehow gotten onto the property and, upon running outside to find the mysterious canine companion, there was only Ryder in the backyard.

Since that evening, DeMarco and his wife have repeatedly checked the system again in the hopes of spotting their dog's ethereal 'friend,' but the anomalous animal has yet to return. In light of how secure his backyard is and that the curious 'visitor' has not been seen again, the homeowner now suspects that Ryder was playing with some kind of spirit dog. That said, skeptical viewers point to what seems to be eyeshine emanating from the 'apparition,' which they contend is an indication that it was a living creature and not a paranormal pooch. With that in mind, what's your take on the puzzling footage? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.

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