Watch: Thief Knocks Himself Out While Fleeing Handbag Heist in Washington

By Tim Binnall

An attempted handbag heist in Washington state went wildly awry when one of the thieves tried to flee the scene and wound up running into a glass window that knocked him out. The bizarre incident reportedly unfolded back in August at a Louis Vuitton store in the city of Bellevue when a trio of sticky-fingered ne'er-do-wells dashed into the establishment and began pulling its expensive purses down from a wall where they were being displayed. Although two of the crooks managed to escape the fast-paced robbery before security could catch them, their 17-year-old accomplice did not fare nearly as well.

While clutching a bunch of the pilfered handbags, valued at a total of around $18,000, the young man ran directly into a tall glass window that he either mistook for a way out of the store or thought he could smash through to escape. Either way, this proved to be a serious miscalculation as the aspiring thief simply hit the see-through wall with a splat and then crumbled unconscious to the floor. A security guard quickly caught up to the downed teen and slapped some handcuffs on the young man, who was subsequently arrested when police arrived on the scene. It is uncertain what charges the would-be thief will face, though one hopes that the embarrassing end to the handbag heist will cause him to reconsider a life of crime.