Watch: Train Passenger Photographs Bigfoot in Rocky Mountains?

By Tim Binnall

A passenger aboard a tourist train in Colorado snapped a peculiar photograph that appears to feature a sizeable figure standing in the wilderness and some suspect that the curious anomaly could be Bigfoot. The intriguing picture was reportedly taken by a man named Brian as he was riding the Georgetown Loop Railroad, which runs approximately two miles through the Rocky Mountains. Although the image was captured back in September, it only came to light this week when he shared it with the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization. Indicating that neither he nor any other passengers noticed the oddity at the time, he explained that he only spotted the possible figure in the picture when he later perused his photos from the trip.

Although Brian conceded that the 'creature' could have been some kind of fabrication placed along the ride to surprise and delight tourists, he observed that no one from the train company called attention to the peculiar figure as they went past it. Additionally, he says, an online search failed to find any photos of a faux Bigfoot as seen from a passenger aboard the Georgetown Loop Railroad. This would seem to suggest that the proverbial 'statue theory' is rather unlikely, unless Brian was somehow the first person to spot it, in which case we hope that he wins some kind of prize. What do you think he photographed from the train? Could it be Bigfoot or, as skeptics will suggest, is it merely a trick of light and shadow or perhaps even a small tree? Weigh in at the C2C Facebook page.

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