Watch: UFO Spotted on Israeli Newscast

By Tim Binnall

A sharp-eyed individual watching an Israeli newscast noticed a curious ball of light hovering in the sky behind a reporter and some suspect that the oddity could be alien in nature. The puzzling moment reportedly occurred last Wednesday evening on the public broadcasting station Kan 11. As an anchor was speaking to a reporter stationed in Tel Aviv, a fairly sizeable orb appears over his left shoulder and slowly moves across the sky before vanishing.

As one might imagine, some observers have suggested that perhaps the anomaly was an ET craft, while more skeptical viewers have argued that it is either a helicopter or a drone. In this instance, the latter camp is likely correct, because it's hard to believe that an alien ship could appear for a considerable amount of time over a major city like Tel Aviv and the only documentation of such an event is an inadvertent sighting captured during a newscast. Be that as it may, we'll leave it up to you to decide. What's your take on the puzzling moment? Share your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.