Pier Paolo Alberghini

Since 2002 Dr. Alberghini has been working with a new approach to achieve well-being for the users of the buildings he designs, by applying the science of BioGeometry® (see BioGeometry® page). Dr. Alberghini and Dr. Ibrahim Karim, the founder of this science, have collaborated successfully in BioGeometry® projects in Europe and North America and are presently partners in BioGeometry® Energy Systems Ltd. based in Switzerland. Dr. Alberghini is the sole representative of BioGeometry® Architecture in North America and is in charge of BioGeometry® projects in Italy.


Past Shows:

  • Science of BioGeometry

    Architects Pier Paolo Alberghini and Ibrahim Karim joined John B. Wells for a discussion on BioGeometry, a science that deals with the Energy of Shape. In the first hour, author Whitley Strieber provided an update on the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, held on April 29...More »

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