Peter Barry Chowka

Peter Barry Chowka is an investigative journalist who specializes in reporting on alternative and innovative therapies and the politics of health care. Since the 1970s, he has broken a number of important stories, including the federal government's cover-up of its own promising research on diet and cancer, the Hoxsey herbal cancer therapy, and the suppression of Dr. Linus Pauling's research on vitamin C and health. Between 1992-'94, Peter was an advisor to the National Institutes of Health's Office of Alternative Medicine.

In 2001, he testified as an expert witness at President Clinton's White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy. Recently, Peter has been investigating the political push for "universal health care" which he sees as the most serious threat to Americans' freedom, autonomy, and choice in healing since the time of the Founding Fathers.


Past Shows:

  • Health Freedom Panel

    Dr. Robin Falkov presented a Health Freedom Panel in which she was joined by three experts in alternative healthcare.More »