Craig Hamilton-Parker

Craig Hamilton-Parker's career as a psychic medium has been closely associated with his family and wife Jane. Soon after they met, Craig gave up his career as chief executive for an advertising agency and Jane her job as a psychiatric nurse to pursue a career as mediums. To earn a living they gave private readings and Craig wrote psychic news columns and 15 books for the US publisher Sterling.

Craig Hamilton-Parker has also written extensively about dream interpretation. His book, The Hidden Meaning of Dreams, became a best seller and he has hosted the US TV show, Nightmares Decoded. Craig and Jane now spend their time spreading their messages of mystical awareness and survival of death.




Past Shows:

  • Living in the Flow / Indian Oracle

    Author and physics educator Sky Nelson-Isaacs discussed the science of synchronicity. Followed by psychic medium Craig Hamilton-Parker, who delved into his Mystic Journey to India.More »
  • Military UFO Revelations/ Mystical India

    Robert Salas discussed recent UFO revelations and disclosure. Craig Hamilton-Parker talked about a 10,000-year-old Indian oracle.More »