Comets & Solar Flares


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Much of the current solar activity "is caused by comets approaching the sun," said maverick physicist James McCanney who was the guest for the first half of Friday's show. He believes that an entourage of minor planet-sized objects have been bombarding the sun, and as evidence for this, he has gathered various visual data on this page on his website. Further, he suggested that SOHO astronomers may have been keeping such information under wraps.

McCanney said that it would difficult to draw a one-to-one correlation between geologic activity at Yellowstone and the recent outbursts from the sun. But statistically, he pointed out, there is a relationship between volcanism and solar flares.He theorized that there may be numerous "Planet X"-sized objects that make their way into our solar system over millennia as indigenous legends have described, and that our greatest worry may be debris streams that come from these objects during their passing.

Open Lines

The second half of Friday's show was devoted to Open Lines with a special topic line reserved for stories of strange experiences people had while looking into mirrors. One person described aquiring an antique mirror at a yard sale and seeing an odd creature step out from it. Other calls included a truck driver who saw an eerie blue light in his vehicle and then experienced missing time, and a woman who identified herself as a seer and said she saw earthquakes and terrorism coming to California in the near future.

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