Forecasting Technology


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Futurist Paul Guercio, along with SDI (Star Wars) physicist, Dr. George Hart returned to the show to discuss the Merlin Project, their scientifically-based forecasting technology, which uses a person's birthdate. It's a "highly distilled method of astrology," that is computerized, said Hart, which can give you a detailed graph outlining the biggest moments in your life, Guercio added. Their future timelines find levels of "eventfulness" but doesn't rate them as good or bad, he continued.

Based on their methodology, they are also able to chart global situations. In Iran, for instance, they see a high level of activity between 2004-2006, which may indicate some type of attack. Concerning the elections, George W. Bush's chart tapers off after this year, while both Kerry and Edwards' are on the rise for the next 8 years, Guercio noted.

The period of 2010-2012 is unusual, in that 4 out of 6 people have high levels on their charts. Guercio speculated that either an asteroid hit or very rapid climate change may occur, such that a great number of people will be affected during this time frame.

Saturn's Rings

First hour guest, engineer and author Dr. Norman Bergrun shared his contention that the rings of Saturn are manufactured, based on his analysis of photographic evidence. The rings are created as a by-product of emissions from EMVs (electro magnetic vehicles), which have wedged themselves into these locations, he said. Interestingly, Bergrun posited that the craft themselves could be living biological entities. Also, if the craft leave, the rings could disappear, he noted, adding that astronomical records have indicated Saturn has not always had its rings. View related images here.

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