George Hart

George Hart


Dr. George Hart is an SDI (Star Wars) physicist who specializes in the application of supercomputers to the mathematical modeling of systems exhibiting extremely complex behavior. In 1992, he received the prestigious British RANK Prize for his work in laser technology (for) "..benefiting mankind, especially in eye surgery" for inventing the excimer laser.

Past Shows:

  • Election Timetraks/ Past Lives

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project spoke about their software-based forecasting technology in relation to the 'Timetraks' of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In the latter half,Joanne DiMaggio, who has been...More »
  • Presidential Timetraks/ Other Side Revelations

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart, who developed a software-based forecasting technology called the Merlin Project, discussed the TimeTraks of the current batch of presidential hopefuls in relation to the results of Super Tuesday. In the...More »
  • 2016 Timetraks/ ET Disclosure

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart, who developed a software-based forecasting technology called the Merlin Project, discussed their timetraks for world events, as well as the 2016 presidential candidates. In the latter half, political...More »
  • Candidate Timetraks/ Weather Modification

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart, who developed a software-based forecasting technology called the Merlin Project, shared their timetraks (Merlin's graphical snapshots) of the crowded field of US presidential candidates in the 2016 race. ...More »
  • Predictions & Prophecies

    In the first hour, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart, who developed a software-based forecasting technology called the Merlin Project, shared their interpretations of the timetraks (Merlin's graphical snapshots) of the current batch of presidential hopefuls. ...More »
  • Project Merlin/ Alien Intrusions

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart, who run the Merlin Project, which tracks trends for current events, prominent business people, politicians and celebrities, discussed their latest predictive timetraks, created through their software-based...More »
  • Illegal Immigration / Merlin Project Updates

    In the first half, journalist and teacher Frosty Wooldridge discussed his work campaigning against illegal immigration and the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the U.S. population by 2035, with the population rising to 438 million by 2050. In the latter half,...More »
  • Timetraks & Merlin Project

    Futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project discussed their software-based forecasting technology and the graphical snapshots of time, called Timetraks, it generates. "The timetraks for the United States indicated that this year and continuing for...More »
  • 'Merlin Project' Forecasts

    Futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project joined John B. Wells to discuss their software-based forecasting technology and their latest Timetraks predictions for various public figures and events.More »
  • Planet X and 2012

    John B. Wells welcomed author and publisher Marshall Masters for a discussion on the relationship between crop circles, Planet X, and 2012. In the first hour, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project talked about forecasting technology and new...More »
  • Psychopaths in Power

    John B. Wells was joined by paranormal researcher and philosopher, Jonathan Zap, who discussed how a disproportionate number of psychopaths on Wall St. and in govt. & corporate America are creating a culture with little concern for the future. In the first hour, physicist...More »
  • Timetrak Predictions

    Kicking off his new Saturday night berth, John B. Wells (email) welcomed futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project for a discussion about their Timetrak technology, which reveals future trends and changes, as well as information about the election,...More »
  • Thunderbirds, Lizard People & Earth Changes

    Inter-tribal Medicine Man, Red Elk shared his visions of earth changes, and also touched on such topics as thunderbirds, Lizard People, Lucifer, Mel's Hole, time travel, and phantom pain.More »
  • Project Merlin Update

    Futurist Paul Guercio and SDI physicist Dr. George Hart shared an update on the Merlin Project, their software-based forecasting technology.More »
  • Predictions Special 2007

    In our New Year's Day Special, George Noory welcomed various guests who shared their predictions for 2007.More »
  • Anticipating the Future

    Ian Punnett talked with futurist Dr. Paul Guercio and SDI (Star Wars) physicist Dr. George Hart about the MERLIN Project, a computer-based forecasting technology that uses specific dates -- the beginning points of major life events -- to produce a graphical image of fluctuations...More »
  • Merlin Project Update

    Futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart returned to discuss the Merlin Project, their forecasting technology that combines equations derived from celestial phenomena with specific dates, such as a person's birthdate. The system is based on the idea that time is a...More »
  • Forecasting Technology

    Futurist Paul Guercio, along with SDI (Star Wars) physicist, Dr. George Hart returned to the show to discuss the Merlin Project, their scientifically-based forecasting technology, which uses a person's birthdate. It's a "highly distilled method of astrology," that is...More »
  • Forecasting Technology

    "The future is a roadmap, and each moment produces a different road map," said Paul Guercio who along with Dr. George Hart appeared on Monday night's show. The two are the founders of The Merlin Project, a scientifically-based forecasting technology that combines equations...More »

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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