Cold Case Team Alleges FBI is Covering-Up Identity of Zodiac Killer

By Tim Binnall

A team of independent investigators working to identify the Zodiac Killer say that a whistleblower at the FBI revealed to them that their primary suspect for the slayings has actually been on the bureau's radar for years, but that authorities won't do the DNA testing necessary to possibly put an end to the mystery. The explosive assertion came by way of a lengthy press release from the organization known as The Case Breakers, which made headlines back in 2021 when they asserted that their exhaustive efforts had determined that an Air Force veteran named Gary Francis Poste was, in fact, the infamous serial killer who terrorized the San Francisco area during the late 1960s.

Remarkably, it would seem that the group were not the only ones to pick up on Poste as, they say, "a senior FBI agent" has informed them that the man "has been secretly listed as the Zodiac 'suspect'" in the bureau's computers since 2016 and that they even possess "partial DNA" from the Air Force veteran who passed away in 2018. Believing that he was responsible for not only the murders attributed to the mysterious serial killer but also an additional victim, Cheri Jo Bates, The Case Breakers lambasted both federal and local authorities for not comparing Poste's DNA with hairs found in her hand at the crime scene.

They also noted that neither pieces of DNA have been "uploaded on the FBI’s CODIS crime database," which the group indicates "is a violation of a 2016 California law." As for why the authorities have failed to connect the proverbial dots which they have uncovered, the Case Breakers blamed "apathy, egos" and fear of "humiliation." By shining a light on this alleged malfeasance, the group presumably hopes to pressure the FBI to do a comparative test which, in their estimation, will eventually lead to Poste finally being confirmed as the Zodiac Killer. However, just as they responded to the group's announcement in 2021, the bureau's reaction to their latest salvo is to refuse comment on the case as it "remains open and unsolved."