Survey Finds Vast Majority of Americans Oppose Reviving Dinosaurs

By Tim Binnall

An enlightening new survey concerning the prospect of reviving extinct creatures found that a vast majority of Americans would rather keep the dinosaurs relegated to the past. The thought-provoking poll, produced by YouGov, asked 1,000 people for their thoughts on what seems to be the increasingly possible scenario wherein scientists will be able to bring lost species back to life. While the idea may be popular in fictional fare, a surprising 45% of the people surveyed said that they are against reviving extinct species, while only 33% were particularly enthusiastic about the concept. Even more insightful, however, may be which creatures made the proverbial cut.

Among an array of animals that are no longer with us, the giant tortoise surprisingly came out on top with 50 percent of the pro-revival participants giving the proverbial thumbs up to its de-extinction. The shelled wonder was followed by the passenger pigeon and the white rhinoceros, with each garnering 44% support. The famed dodo bird, which was recently in the headlines with regards to the very revival scenario explored in the survey, came in at 39% and the Caribbean monk seal was close behind with 38 percent. Sadly, those wondering how the more exotic extinct animals fared are forced to look a little further down the list.

The legendary Tasmanian Tiger, a favorite animal among those hoping to see lost creatures revived, received just 30 percent support and another often-mentioned high profile candidate for de-extinction, the woolly mammoth, got the backing of only 27% of the survey participants. Meanwhile, the saber-toothed tiger also ranked near the bottom of the list with 20 percent. Rounding out the rankings were dinosaurs, with the triceratops, pterodactyl, and Tyrannosaurus Rex receiving a meager 12, 11, and 10 percent, respectively, leaving one to wonder if the Jurassic Park film series served as something of a cautionary tale which convinced people that bringing back the dinosaurs is probably not the best idea.