Video: Flat Earth Fans Flock to NC

The town of Cary, North Carolina became the proverbial 'center of the flat world' late last week when it played host to a massive convention of conspiracy theorists.

The first-ever Flat Earth International Conference drew advocates for the controversial idea from across the globe with some making the journey from as far away as the UK.

Organizers say that a jaw-dropping 525 tickets were sold well in advance of the event and that the total attendance of Flat Earth fans in town for the festivities was likely far more than that.

Although the array of speakers and presentations were no doubt enticing to the attendees, simply being among fellow Flat Earth travelers seems to have been what brought many of them to the event.

For a couple of day in Cary, the Flat Earth theory was king and that meant that they were free to debate the details of the concept rather than argue with friends and family about the idea.

Already enthusiastic about the growing popularity of the often-ridiculed conspiracy theory, the tremendous success of the event was, no doubt, an affirmation for many that they are 'not alone' on this purportedly flat Earth.

Let's just hope that one of the topics at the event centered around the right and wrong ways of spreading awareness of the theory, lest we see more unfortunate graffiti campaigns from fired-up Flat Earth fans.

Source: WSPA