In Coast You Missed It 4/14/23

By Tim Binnall

Conversations with God, dogmen, and intention experiments were among the fascinating topics explored this past week on Coast to Coast AM. And, here at the C2C website, we told you about the 'return' of the Loch Ness Monster, an array of 'mystery creatures' that left observers stumped, and a man jailed for scaring his neighbor's chickens to death. Check out our round-up of highlights from the past week ... In Coast You Missed It.

Bipedal canine cryptids took center stage on Sunday night's program as author Arla Cailleach Collett detailed her interactions with these mysterious creatures. Claiming to have regular communication with the entities, she revealed that she has established something of a friendship with one particular 'dogman' and its offspring. Although these canine cryptids are often considered to be monstrous, Collett stressed that humans have nothing to fear from the creatures as long as they approach them with respect. During her appearance, she also discussed encounters with other entities such as faeries and Bigfoot.

After going unseen by people around Loch Ness for nearly six months, the site's mysterious 'monster' made something of a return this past week as there were two separate instances wherein people visiting the famed Scottish site may have caught a glimpse of the legendary creature. Occurring within the span of just a few days, the initial incident occurred when a thirteen-year-old girl spotted and photographed an anomaly emerging from the water. Her eyewitness account was subsequently declared the first officially recognized report for 2023 by the Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register. Shortly after her experience, a tourist visiting Loch Ness also snapped a picture of a puzzling anomaly that briefly popped out of the water.

Throughout the ages, humanity has often wondered what might God might say if one were capable of communicating with the almighty being. On Monday night's program, spiritual messenger Neale Donald Walsch claimed to have have such conversations and shared insights from these exchanges with the divine. Positing that anyone can speak to God, he asserted that he receives messages in the form of a distinct disembodied voice, though others may be contacted in a myriad of ways. According to Walsch, the divine being does not punish humans and hell does not exist, though there is accountability in the afterlife as people experience a life review wherein their actions are reversed and they feel how they impacted others.

This past week saw a veritable menagerie of 'mystery creatures' make the news, beginning with a weird trailcam photo from Texas which showed an odd-looking critter that left wildlife officials stumped, though was later identified as an American badger. A similar situation arose in New Orleans, where a family spotted a rather sizeable animal swimming in a lagoon in the city park. After their video of the proverbial NOLA Nessie was posted online, observers indicated that the 'monster' was most likely a carp. And, over in England, a beachgoer stumbled upon the nightmarish remains of an 'alien' creature that turned out to be a thornback ray.

Could a small group of people effect change simply by gathering together and focusing their intention? This tantalizing possibility was explored on Thursday night's program as author Lynne McTaggart talked about her experiments wherein just such a scenario seemingly unfolded. Using eight participants gathering on a regular basis, she said that these meetings can create an "ecstatic oneness" among the group. McTaggart stressed that the intention of the gathering must be clear and it is particularly helpful if all of the people work to have the same thought at the same time, which serves to amplify their collective brain power.

By far the most bizarre story of the week came by way of China, where a feud between neighbors culminated with a strange chicken massacre that sent the perpetrator to prison. The very weird case began when a man cut down some trees on an adjoining property and then inexplicably took exception when their owner, a farmer, rightfully claimed the wood. In response to losing the ill-gotten lumber, the man crept onto his neighbor's property with a flashlight and terrified his chickens to the point that they rushed into a corner of their pen and perished by the hundreds. All told, the murderous tree-trimmer wiped out a whopping 1,000 of the animals, which led to a six-month prison sentence when he showed no remorse for his actions.

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