Margie Kay

Margie Kay


Paranormal and private investigator, writer, and filmmaker Margie Kay has researched how to figure out if a house is haunted, and who exactly is doing the haunting. She offers her expertise on why these hauntings happen and what can or cannot be done about them.



Past Shows:

  • Researching Haunted Houses / Open Lines

    Paranormal investigator Margie Kay and historic property researcher Violet Wisdom explained how to research a haunted house. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.More »

Last Night

Zero Point Energy & MH370 / Mars Anomalies
Zero Point Energy & MH370 / Mars Anomalies
Citizen journalist Ashton Forbes discussed the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 and its connection to zero-point energy. Followed by researcher George Haas on his findings about Martian structures and their parallels to ancient Earth civilizations.


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