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Mastering AI / Ghost Behaviors
Mastering AI / Ghost Behaviors
Journalist Jeremy Kahn discussed the potential risks and benefits of AI. Followed by Cheryll Jones' interview with ghost-hunting guide Chris Bores.
Quantum Wonders / Soul Journeys
Quantum Wonders / Soul Journeys
Professor of Astrophysics Charles Liu discussed the wonders of quantum physics and the universe. Followed by spiritual medium Carole J. Obley on the soul's journey.
Biblical Prophecy / Geoengineering
Biblical Prophecy / Geoengineering
Financial analyst Benjamin Baruch discussed the world's current financial situation and how it reflects prophecy found in the Bible. Followed by activist Dane Wigington, who spoke about how geoengineering harms the environment.
War on Cars / Faith and UFOs
War on Cars / Faith and UFOs
Jay Beeber with the National Motorists Association argued that the act of driving has become overly regulated and villainized in recent years. Followed by UFO experiencer Chris Bledsoe on his various close encounters in North Carolina.
UFO Disclosure / Apocalypse & Aliens
UFO Disclosure / Apocalypse & Aliens
Actor Thomas Jane joined host George Knapp to discuss mankind's understanding of extraterrestrials through storytelling. Followed by Dr. Irena Scott, who spoke about how human interaction with aliens could either initiate the apocalypse or save us from it.
Film Conspiracies
Film Conspiracies
Filmmaker Jay Weidner shared his insights into conspiracy theories surrounding the Apollo moon landing and JFK assassination. In the first hour, astrologer William Stickevers provided his astrological view on world events, US politics, and AI advancements.
Life After Death
Life After Death
Dr. Leo Ruickbie shared his perspectives on life after death, consciousness, and the paranormal. The final hour of the program was devoted to Open Lines.
Lost Civilization / The Angelic Realm
Lost Civilization / The Angelic Realm
Aerospace engineer Mark Carlotto shared theories about Earth's shifting poles, crust displacement, and ancient mass extinctions. Followed by spiritual advisor Joan of Angels, who spoke about her interactions with heavenly messengers.
Anomalous Health Incidences / Demons & Entities
Anomalous Health Incidences / Demons & Entities
Retired firefighter and paramedic Jesse Beltran discussed Havana Syndrome and mysterious medical implants. Followed by paranormal consultant June Lundgren, who shared her experiences with demons and angels.
Conspiracy Theories / Spirit World & Afterlife
Conspiracy Theories / Spirit World & Afterlife
Author and skeptic Michael Shermer delved into conspiracy theories and why people are drawn to them. Followed by medium Susan Grau on dying, her near-death experience, and the afterlife.
Forbidden Archaeology / UFOs & Consciousness
Forbidden Archaeology / UFOs & Consciousness
Researcher Michael Cremo shared his explorations into forbidden archaeology and human origins. Followed by writer Nick Cook on his research into classified military aircraft, UFOs, and consciousness.
Mysterious Experiences / Northwest Weirdness
Mysterious Experiences / Northwest Weirdness
Christopher Lee-Jenkins, PhD shared his mysterious experiences and interest in esoterica. Followed by filmmaker Vince Ynzunza on weirdness in the Pacific Northwest.
The UFO Paradox / Overcoming Cancer
The UFO Paradox / Overcoming Cancer
Independent journalist Keith Thompson discussed UFO sightings and other paranormal experiences. Followed by Lynette Hill, who detailed her journey into the world of cancer and natural medicines.
Soulmates & Angels / Open Lines
Soulmates & Angels / Open Lines
Tanya Carroll Richardson discussed psychic pathways, Twin Flames, soulmates, soul contracts, and angels. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half of the program.
Dark Forces / Ancient Stone Circles
Dark Forces / Ancient Stone Circles
Authors Jason & Rhonda Halbert shared their experiences living in haunted places. Followed by explorer Michael Tellinger on mysterious ancient stone circles in South Africa.
New Paradigm of the Mind / Remote Viewing & Ingo Swann
New Paradigm of the Mind / Remote Viewing & Ingo Swann
Scientist Doug Matzke argued for a new paradigm-- that the mind is separate from the brain. Followed by remote viewer Paul H. Smith on Ingo Swann and remote viewing the Moon.
Natural Remedies / Strange Utah Tales
Natural Remedies / Strange Utah Tales
Dr. Joel Wallach addresses the human body and its ability to achieve natural healing via the benefits of natural remedies and supplements. Followed by researcher John Olsen with tales of the strange and unusual from Utah.
Space Exploration / NDEs & Spirituality
Space Exploration / NDEs & Spirituality
Science journalist Robert Zimmerman shared updates on space exploration, the ISS, and SpaceX. Followed by author Jacob Cooper on NDEs, grief, and mental health.