Art Bell Vault

Art Bell Vault

Welcome to Art Bell Vault!

Coast Insiders - enjoy our selection of vintage, commercial-free Art Bell shows, available for streaming-on-demand for both mobile and desktop platforms. Two new programs added to the Vault each week!

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Radioing UFOs & Mel's Hole
Radioing UFOs & Mel's Hole
John Shepherd discussed building an extensive radio transmitter in his grandparents' home in an attempt to contact alien life. Followed by "Mel" of Mel's Hole fame, who updated listeners about the bottomless pit.
War with Iraq
War with Iraq
Investigative journalist and author James Bamford shared his research into our reasons for going to war with Iraq. Bamford said the National Security Agency (NSA) threatened him with prosecution over a previously declassified document.
Remote Viewing Targets
Remote Viewing Targets
Maj. Ed Dames spoke about his time in the US Army's remote viewing program. He said the Russian government had hired his company, PsiTech, to remote view the failure of the Phobos Mars probe. He also described remote viewing Jesus and the Devil.
Protecting Bigfoot
Protecting Bigfoot
Bigfoot investigator Todd Standing discussed his observations of large primate creatures, which his team has videotaped in a remote mountainous area. "Bugs," a previous guest of Art's, phoned in to share his account of shooting and burying two Bigfoot back in the 1970's.
Inside the Philadelphia Experiment
Inside the Philadelphia Experiment
Al Bielek (1927–2011) joined Art for a discussion of the Philadelphia Experiment. He detailed the history of alleged official research into invisibility and time travel, as well as being aboard the USS Eldridge, when the battleship disappeared for about 4 hours.
Open Lines & Canadian Callers
Open Lines & Canadian Callers
This 5-hour Open Lines show featured a special Canada-only hotline for part of the program. Phoenix councilwoman Frances Barwood called to report that she had won a recent election. She'd fought for more openness about the Phoenix Lights UFO case.
Inventing a Time Machine
Inventing a Time Machine
In the first half of the show, Steven Gibbs, who described himself as an inventor and entrepreneur, talked about his claims of inventing a time machine that would allow users to physically visit any time in the past or future.
Future Technology
Future Technology
Co-founder of ConceptLabs, Peter Cochrane, shared a glimpse of upcoming technology that will offer us greater security and convenience but may also hamper our privacy rights. Cell phones, he explained, will begin offering increased abilities for tracking and surveillance.