Shanti Shanti

Shanti Shanti


While other girls their age were playing with Barbie dolls, Andrea and Sara Forman, the two extraordinary sisters behind the musical group, Shanti Shanti, (which means Peace Peace) were beginning to demonstrate an unusual affinity with the ancient language of Sanskrit. Before they were ten years old, they were able to chant the spiritual scriptures known as the Vedas, and were showing fluency in a language that no one else in their family spoke or understood. They are now considered to be among the top Sanskrit scholars in the country.




Past Shows:

  • Sanskrit Divas

    The two sisters who sing in the musical group Shanti Shanti and their mother Linda Forman were Barbara's guests on Sunday night. Before they were ten years old, the sisters had the unusual ability to chant the Sanskrit spiritual scriptures known as the Vedas.More »