Howard Williams

Howard Williams


For over 25 years Howard Williams was at some of the biggest natural disasters in the U.S. including Oakland/San Francisco Earthquake and Hurricane Katrina. He was one of the foremost catastrophe adjusters and his experiences covered: hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, snow/ice storms, etc. Before this career, Howard was a Colorado police officer and a suicide prevention counselor which paid off tremendously when he had to work with people in shock who had been in one of these catastrophes.



Past Shows:

  • Preparedness & Disasters

    Former CBS TV and Newsweek reporter, Hugh Simpson, discussed the need for preparedness in both economic and natural disasters. Getting prepared can be a fun project rather than doom and gloom, he stressed. First hour guest, writer Stephen Sindoni talked about the legend of...More »

Last Night

Studying Mediumship / Aliens, Nephilim, & the Antichrist
Studying Mediumship / Aliens, Nephilim, & the Antichrist
Dr. Melvin Morse, a pioneer in studying NDEs and mediumship, shared insights from his groundbreaking studies. Followed by Christian ufologist John Milor on aliens, the Nephilim, and the Antichrist.


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