Professor Kevin Warwick

Hosted byArt Bell

Professor Kevin Warwick

About the show

Professor Kevin Warwick, the world's leading expert in Cybernetics, hereunveils the story of how he became the world's first Cyborg (part human,part machine) in a ground breaking set of scientific experiments. Humanshave limited capabilities. Humans sense the world in a restricted way,vision being the best of the senses. Humans understand the world in only 3dimensions and communicate in a very slow, serial fashion called speech. Butcan this be improved on? Can we use technology to upgrade humans?

Last Night

Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrology Aspects / Healthy Lifestyles
Astrologer and psychic Tarot reader Inbaal Honigman delved into astrology and personality, astrological compatibility, and Tarot. Followed by Prof Fredrik Nyström who discussed his book "Lighten the load on your shoulders!," which challenges conventional health advice.


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