Islamic Threats

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Islamic Threats


  • War with Islam/Iran
  • Threats to Americ
  • About the show

    In the first half of the show, author and evangelist Chris Panos shared his views on the current state of Islam, and how it conflicts with the West. Having spent decades working with Muslims all over the world, he's come to believe that the Islamic mindset involves world domination.

    Specifically, he said Iran's leader, Pres. Ahmadinejad is a greater threat than bin Laden. Panos suggested that military action be taken against Iran, arguing that the country could be "put out of business" in just "seven days." Such action would reduce the possibility of nuclear devices being smuggled in the U.S., he said.

    The latter half of the program featured Open Lines. Towards the end of the show George played his introduction and Art Bell's acceptance speech at this past weekend's Radio and Records gathering, in which Art received a Lifetime Achievement Award.

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