Search for Bigfoot

Hosted byConnie Willis

Search for Bigfoot

About the show

Guest host Connie Willis (email) was joined, for the full program, by James "Bobo" Fay of Finding Bigfoot fame for a discussion on his Bigfoot research and the quest to find the elusive creature. Noting that the Bigfoot appears to possess a cranium at least as large as a human, Fay surmised that the creature must have some kind of advanced intelligence which it uses to avoid being caught. "They're not writing symphonies and building suspension bridges," he mused, "all their brain power goes into evading humans and feeding themselves." He also suggested that Bigfoot may be able to sense the electromagnetic field emitted from game cameras and, thus, are able to circumvent the equipment used by researchers hoping for a serendipitous photograph of the creature.

Although he did not dismiss the possibility that Bigfoot may be paranormal or interdimensional, Fay observed that "at least part of the time, they are a flesh and blood creature" that exhibit normal animal behavior. As such, he opts to focus on those aspects of the Bigfoot, because it is highly unlikely that evidence for its interdimensional qualities can even be obtained. Nonetheless, he opined "they're not just a normal animal, that's for sure." To that end, Fay talked about how many Bigfoot witnesses report having some form of non-verbal communication with the creature where it seems to relay telepathic messages attempting to dissuade people from following it.

Regarding Finding Bigfoot, Fay reflected on how the initial episodes of the program were fraught with editing tricks which made it appear as if the crew were spotting the creature week after week. However, the stars resisted this approach and convinced the production company to adopt the documentary style which the show currently conveys. According to Fay, this switch resulted in the ratings for the program tripling after audiences realized there was no fakery involved in the show. Despite speculation that the program may be cancelled, Fay revealed that filming for an eighth season is currently underway in Oregon as well as California and may feature new locations that have yet to be explored by the crew.

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Last Night

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