Possession & Spiritual Practice / Paranormal Encounters

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Possession & Spiritual Practice / Paranormal Encounters

About the show

Director of the Institute for Hermetic Studies, Mark Stavish, is a life-long student of philosophy and mysticism. In the first half, he discussed the intriguing intersections of spiritual practices and the paranormal, including possession and exorcisms. "Just as you have protection against intruders in this world...you need protection against intruders from the invisible," he asserted, adding that spirits can be of deceased humans, or beings that were never alive in physical form. On the distinction between obsession and possession, he explained that "it's a continuum" and that while some may be possessed by negative emotions, others can experience positive forms of possession, such as being inspired by the Holy Spirit.

A case from the 1980s triggered Stavish's fascination with the idea of demonic possession. Don Decker, known as the "Rain Man," reportedly caused it to rain indoors, and credible observers, including police and clergy witnessed this. Eventually, he underwent an exorcism by a jail chaplain. Regarding exorcisms that he's witnessed himself, Stavish characterized them as "extended blessings" rather than the dramatic rituals portrayed in the media, and revealed that they may take numerous sessions to be effective. He suggested that individuals lacking a spiritual routine or foundation may be more vulnerable to unwanted paranormal experiences. "Taking control of your own mind, taking control of your life, is really the best protection," he added.


Citizen researcher Dr. Kelly Renee Schutz is an intuitive empath with psychic, clairaudient, and telepathic abilities. In the first half, she detailed her many paranormal experiences, including hauntings, levitation, and psychokinesis (view related illustrations). Regarding psychokinesis (the ability to move objects with the mind), she described incidents around her, like drawers suddenly flying open and nearby objects flying or breaking. She also discussed her success in casinos, attributing her wins to telepathic guidance-- "I just say the words, find me the winning machine," and a voice guides her to a lucky slot machine, "and I usually win the jackpot within 10 to 20 minutes." Schutz reports that she has won some 20 IRS-documented jackpots; she believes she has a particular sensitivity to electronic devices.

She shared her spine-chilling encounter in a haunted Wales bed and breakfast. After requesting to stay in a haunted room, she recounted walking through something like an "electrical cobweb," and then she "actually saw the maid back in the 1800s rush around the corner," and a mirror in the room that "started to cycle around and around," leaving her traumatized and unable to sleep. Reflecting on her lifelong fascination with the supernatural, she advised to "be careful what you wish for." Schutz also described a mysterious handprint that appeared on her body after a night of strange occurrences, as she pondered the fine line between paranormal and extraterrestrial phenomena, stating, "I'm just putting the pieces together and trying to figure out... what exactly is this energy that I'm experiencing?"

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