The Brain & Religion

Hosted byArt Bell

The Brain & Religion

About the show

Matthew Alper, the author of "The God Part of the Brain," presented his case for religion arising out of biological and evolutionary needs rather than the existence of God. He suggested that religion is "universal across all cultures" and is part of our genetic makeup. Humans are hardwired to believe in some form of spiritual reality, he continued. Alper's study convinced him that our fear of death is one of the main factors driving religious beliefs as it promises that our consciousness continues after this life.

To Alper, prayer is "a popularity contest with God" since only a few people seem to be helped. As further proof that religion is only in the brain, he cited studies where people suffered head trauma and suddenly became more religious or atheistic. In the third hour, Art had a heated discussion with the guest about remote viewing and other psychic phenomena. While Alper thought it was all a delusion, Art urged him to read some of the scientific literature.

Alper proposed that religious morality be replaced with ethics based on scientific findings. He concluded that "the greatest threat to our species is the religious impulse within us." The first hour featured news and Open Lines.

Last Night

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Courageous Living / UFOs & Alien Bodies
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