Miriam Delicado

Miriam Delicado


Miriam Delicado, author of 'Blue Star,' is a middle-aged woman that has always had an array of abilities and sensitivities. She is able to heal, predict earthquakes, connect with crossed-over spirits and astral travel. She also has psychic ability and gets premonitions. Her first memory is of being a baby and feeling the frustration of not being able to communicate with others.Her life story encompasses much that is strange. She was first contacted by Aliens while a baby and was abducted for the first time at age four. These particular events were not in her consciousness until much later in her life.

The trigger that brought these occurrences back into her consciousness was an Alien abduction experience while on a road trip in 1988. Her journey leads her to The Four Corners Area of the southwestern United States. Since that time there have been many other encounters with 'Tall Blond' Aliens. The relationship that developed between Miriam and the Aliens became one of Teacher-Student and finally culminated into that of Emissary.As a direct request from the 'Tall Blonds', and to fulfill the role of Emissary, she has written 'Blue Star - Fulfilling Prophecy'. In this book Miriam recounts her experiences with the Aliens, her travels to the Alien 'Safe Lands', her meetings with Hopi elders and the connections with indigenous peoples prophecies. She also shares the Alien's history of Man's creation and their involvement with Earth and 'The End Times'.



Past Shows:

  • Alien Abduction Special

    Artist and photographer Kim Carlsberg and special guests discussed the nature of alien abductions. First hour guest, author Brad Steiger talked about the strange mystery of alien visitation.More »
  • Prophecy & Hopi Elders

    Miriam Delicado discussed her visits with Hopi Elders, sharing information about her ET interactions, and learning of the Hopi prophecies. Last hour guest, author Loren Coleman shared his ranking of the Top 10 cryptozoology stories of 2009.More »
  • Alien Contact & End Times

    Ian spoke with Miriam Delicado about her contact with extraterrestrial beings, their message for the world, and how it ties into the Hopi's Blue Star Prophecy and the End Times.More »

Last Night

Classic Music History / Hypnosis & Mindset
Classic Music History / Hypnosis & Mindset
Music journalist Harvey Kubernik discussed the impact of the Beatles, the resurgence of vinyl, and popularity of music documentaries. Followed by hypnotist Jeff Bliss who talked about hypnosis, rewiring negative triggers, and focusing on desired outcomes.


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