David Hartwell

David Hartwell


David G. Hartwell is a PhD in Comparative Medieval Literature. He has taught at Harvard University, New York University, and Clarion West writing workshop in Seattle. David has edited a couple of thousand Science Fiction books since 1970. He is the author of Age of Wonders, and is presently a senior editor at Tor/Forge Books. He has also edited a number of anthologies, including an annual Year's Best Science Fiction paperback series now in its tenth year and co-edits a Year's Best Fantasy. In addition, David won the World Fantasy Award for best anthology and has been nominated for the Hugo Award twenty-eight times.



Past Shows:

  • Calling All Walk-ins

    Friday's Open Lines included a Special Topic line for "Walk-ins," people who believe an alien or entity may have occupied their spirits permanently or for a time. One man said he would enter into a trance state where he would draw distant constellations that he had no knowledge...More »