Craig Hogan

Craig Hogan


R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D., is the co-author of Induced After-Death Communication: A New Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma with Dr. Allan Botkin. He is also the author of Your Eternal Self, a book presenting hundreds of scientific sources that prove the mind is not in the brain, people's minds are linked, the afterlife is as real as this life, and consciousness actually changes the material world. He does remote viewing and has a remote viewing test online at anyone can take to find out if they have remote viewing ability.



Past Shows:

  • The Afterlife & Contact w/the Dead

    Author Craig Hogan shared his research into contact with the dead, and the powers of the mind. The human mind exists independently of the brain, he argued, citing remote viewing ability as an example of how the mind can see at a great distance. During the dream state, it's the...More »