Gavin Kelly

Gavin Kelly


Country singer turned paranormal investigator Gavin Kelly leads Phantasmic Ghost Hunters, a three-year old group, in an effort to document the unknown. Along with his teammate Paula Purcell, the Paducah, KY-based duo has investigated across the US, including St. Albans Sanatorium in Radford, Virginia, Ashmore Estates in Ashmore, Illinois, and Old South Pittsburg Hospital in South Pittsburg, Tennessee. The team also investigates reportedly haunted hospitals, mills, and schools. He is the host and lead investigator for Amazon's new original series "The Paranormal Journey: Into the Unknown," debuting Oct 31st, 2017.


Past Shows:

Last Night

Pop Music History / Mental Beliefs
Pop Music History / Mental Beliefs
Rich Berra (email) will be joined by music journalist Harvey Kubernik, who'll discuss a variety of rock and pop music subjects. Followed by master hypnotist Jeff Bliss on the subject of beliefs, and how one belief can change everything. According to Jeff, what you think is your...


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