Michael McCarthy

Michael McCarthy


Michael McCarthy is the author of two dozen travel books. He has previously been a radio news reporter and editor, a freelance journalist for many newspapers and magazines, an editorial columnist, and videographer. Hundreds of his travel articles have appeared in many Canadian and American newspapers. Michael has traveled to nearly 50 countries, lived for several years in California, and currently enjoys life in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.



Past Shows:

  • China's Infiltration / Channeling & Telepathy

    Travel writer Michael McCarthy shared commentary about the global presence of China, and how the country is infiltrating Western democracies. Followed by IONS research director Helané Wahbeh on telepathy and channeling.More »

Last Night

Studying Mediumship / Aliens, Nephilim, & the Antichrist
Studying Mediumship / Aliens, Nephilim, & the Antichrist
Dr. Melvin Morse, a pioneer in studying NDEs and mediumship, shared insights from his groundbreaking studies. Followed by Christian ufologist John Milor on aliens, the Nephilim, and the Antichrist.


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