AI gives birth to AI
AI gives birth to AI

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Scientists say machine intelligence now capable of replicating without humans.
— Fox News

AI Apocalypse / Tarot Wisdom
AI Apocalypse / Tarot Wisdom

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Author and philosopher Jonathan Zap discussed the dangers of AI and a possible "viral apocalypse." Followed by Tarot reader Julia Gordon-Bramer on the wisdom and meaning of the cards.

The Ascension of AI
The Ascension of AI

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Writer Richard Dooling discussed his research on the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the prospect of computers becoming as intelligent or more intelligent than humans.With Moore's Law pointing towards the doubling of computer chip...

Biofield & Healing / UFOs & AI
Biofield & Healing / UFOs & AI

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Psychiatrist Eric Leskowitz discussed the human biofield and energy healing. Followed by author Andy Thomas on UFOs and AI.

Army Sniper / AI & Transhumanism
Army Sniper / AI & Transhumanism

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In the first half, one of the greatest snipers in Army Ranger history, Nicholas Irving, discussed his extraordinary military career, including his deployment to Afghanistan in the summer of 2009 when he set a record for enemy kills on a single...